Tuesday, September 13, 2011



These are some of the people and places that are a part of my daily world in Bamenda.  Some days enjoyable, some days annoying, but it is all a part of the web in which I have become one of the strands.

My local "supermarket"

My Favorite Shopkeeper

Dinner Preparation

Crazy Bamenda Transport


Oku, a mountain town, carries an air of mystery about it.  It is famous for its witchcraft, its lake, and its wood carvings.  It is set high in the mountains, over a couple of mountain passes, and surrounded by waterfalls.  It is a gorgeous drive, and the five of us, in our hired car, were blessed with gorgeous weather and beautiful views throughout the day.  We had a quick handshake with the Fon, a peek at the Fon’s palace,  a thorough tour of the wood carving artisans of the area, and a hike to the mystical lake.

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